About Me

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I enjoy sewing, knitting, and quilting. I have a adoring husband of 43 years, 8 beautiful children and 13 grandchildren (so far). I also enjoy studying my Bible and practicing yoga. The LORD is Good All the time.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The "Thimble"

This is my new thimble. It doesn't look like your typical thimble but it is a thimble none the less.

I remembered seeing them in a sewing catalog years ago when a friend jogged my memory of their existence.  Like so many things I set out to find one. I, however could not..but I have a resource better than google.  TLTKE.....The list that knows everything... Dear Jane. Yes the members of this list can find a tiny little thimble in a cyber haystack.

As I hand piece I use the thimble on my left thumb. The needle pokes through the fabric and rests in the 'well' of the heart, as I load several stitches on the needle. This works perfectly for me because I am forever pushing the needle through and sticking my thumb.  I described the way the thimble fits on your finger or thumb as a wheel weight on car wheels or like mud under your nail.

The photo isn't very clear but I think from the series you can get a good idea. I haven't tried it for hand quilting yet but since I haven't mastered the rocking motion of hand quilting I question whether it would work for me.   That will have to wait until I have a practice piece or a top ready to hand quilt.

These little treasures that we find along the way add excitement and comfort to our journey. It doesn't look like much but it is a piece of sewing jewelry I can wear at those special times when I am able to slow down and use my hands to create without the hum of a machine but perhaps the hum of my favorite hymn and a prayer......The LORD your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. Duet 2:7


  1. Can I ask what the thimble is called and where you got it from? It looks pretty good and non-invasive.

  2. Lovely post. Your little heart 'thimble' is really nice. I hope you will post a link someday where all of us might order one, too. Nifty and pretty!
    Cyn; -)
