About Me

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I enjoy sewing, knitting, and quilting. I have a adoring husband of 43 years, 8 beautiful children and 13 grandchildren (so far). I also enjoy studying my Bible and practicing yoga. The LORD is Good All the time.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

This Weather!

I know every one is talking about the weather. Of course we are, we are all in shock at the pictures we see, the videos, the devastation. It is all so frightening. I am writing this post as we are under a tornado watch. For the most part I am calm, but then so is my weather. 

Not very many years ago I would have been a complete lunatic. Which brings me to why I am writing this post. I have been in complete fear , debilitating, paralyzing fear. I was ridiculed for my fears because to others they were unfounded but to me  it was a matter of life and death. The focus of these fears was tornadoes, thunder, lightning, and wind. I didn't want my boys to watch the cartoon, "Thunder Cats" becasue they kept saying that word!  If it was raining in Texas I was afraid because it was headed our way. Yes I realize I was out of control but isn't that the basis for fear...the loss of control? I cried, prayed, sweated, vomited, and watched. I was afraid for my life but more than  that,  I was in peril and desperate to save my children, the sad irony is they are now all hyper aware of the weather; the very thing I was trying to protect them from.

I was redeemed, delivered, saved, from this crushing fear when I realized as a child I was sent to the basement during times of upheaval in the household. It was the safe place for the children in my family. If we stayed in the basement we would be spared most of the "storms" that raged upstairs.  After this realization, I began to prepare a safe place for my children. We lived in a mobile home but thankfully, my husband was building a house for us.  I took clean clothes, toys, water and snacks to the house when the weather channel predictions were ominous. If it was possible, I would take the kids  to the "big house" to play before the storm actually arrived.  If not possible I kept a diligent watch all night, many nights.

I write all this to hopefully help someone who is afraid. Plan, even of some one says it isn't necessary. Make arrangements to protect the ones you love and you will begin to feel safer.  The storms that have decimated areas this past month are frightening, take precautions, and pray.  I recall one time a preacher saying to me, " I know who was praying that storm away from us last night."  Yes, I had been awake all night praying for the safety of my community. 

Right now I am praying for the safety of my children, they are scattered all over the country.  And in the aftermath of these recent storms the people who made light of my fears respect the weather.  I am praying for your safety as well. God bless all those in the path of these storms.  I pray the Lord will keep you from fear and give you His Peace.


  1. What a Wonderful Post! I live in area that does not get such extreme weather. Every few years there is a forcast for a bad hurricane, and we seem to be spared most of the time. But we are warned of the size and where it is heading. Can not imagine the not knowing when or where. A am glad you have a safe place and your heart can rest alittle easier. Because Worrying & Fear can also be as distructive as well.

  2. Hoping everyone is safe.
    xo Cathy
