I made it!! I have completed 25 Dear Jane blocks. I know I have 144 blocks left to make but I have reached this milestone. I am Silver! I want to make 50 by this time next year. These are Baby Jane steps, a little block at a time. This quilt is such a treasure. the original quilt was made by Jane Stickle in 1863 "In War Time". Brenda Papdakis drafted the blocks, published a book and Cd so that people all over the world can enjoy,dream of, and reproduce this beautiful, haunting quilt. It is spectacular, it is a history lesson, and it is a hand reaching through time to touch ours. When I set out to make a block I think of Jane and her life, in my mind I contrast mine to hers. She is teaching me to be frugal and extravagant at the same time. Conserving fabric but stretching my abilities, to learn, grow, and treasure. The people who are talented and persistent enough to finish this masterpiece are loving called "godess", the quilt is called a "Baby Jane". Jane's quilt is the Mother quilt. The journey through this quilt is fascinating and rewarding, I will enjoy each step as long as it takes and when I finish the last stitch I will pick up my crown and dance.